Nets and Repeater

K9ESV repeater

The primary repeater for the operation of our group is the K9ESV repeater located in Woodstock Illinois with operating frequencies 146.835 out, 146.235 in, and with PL of 91.5. With its antenna located on the public services radio tower at the county Government Center, the repeater covers the entire county and well beyond that.

In addition to providing reliable county-wide coverage, the repeater is capable of broadcasting National Weather Service Watches and Warnings as well as paging alert tones. This provides us with an easy way to alert and activate our volunteers as well as keep the general public informed about any potential hazards. Contact W9ZE ( for more information on the paging tones.


Net operations

The official RACES/ARES weekly net is conducted on Monday nights at 20:00 CST. This a formal, directed net conducted by trained net control operators. All check-ins are welcome, as we are always looking to expand our ranks and involve more hams in the county. The purpose of this net is to provide a single point of contact for all trained RACES & ARES operators in McHenry County, to test emergency communications procedures, and to provide information pertinent to the operations of the group. In addition to weekly check in, the net is used to keep our members appraised about upcoming public service events, training, group announcements and other ham radio related events.

Most common emergency net activations in our county are severe weather activations. During these nets, our members create a weather monitoring net across the county to keep an eye on any developing storms and report any hazards. Most of our members are also trained storm spotters and any hazardous weather reports are forwarded directly to National Weather Service.


Net Control Stations for 2025/2026 (Revised 01/2025)

Monday Night Net Control Stations

7/7/2025 McGrath
7/14/2025 Wiegel
7/21/2025 Dewey
7/28/2025 Zwierzycki
1/6/2025 Dewey 8/4/2025 Dulaney
1/13/2025 Dulaney 8/11/2025 Lubow
1/20/2025 McGrath 8/18/2025 Finnegan
1/27/2025 Wiegel 8/25/2025 McGrath
2/3/2025 McGrath 9/8/2025 Dewey
2/10/2025 Wiegel 9/15/2025 Zelz
2/17/2025 Zelz 9/22/2025 Zwierzycki
2/24/2025 Zwierzycki 9/29/2025 Dulaney
3/3/2025 Dewey 10/6/2025 Dewey
3/10/2025 Lubow 10/13/2025 Finnegan
3/17/2025 Finnegan 10/20/2025 McGrath
3/24/2025 McGrath 10/27/2025 Wiegel
3/31/2025 Wiegel 11/3/2025 Zelz
4/7/2025 Zelz 11/10/2025 Zwierzycki
4/14/2025 Zwierzycki 11/17/2025 Dulaney
4/21/2025 Dulaney 11/24/2025 Lubow
4/28/2025 Lubow 12/1/2025 Finnegan
5/5/2025 Dewey 12/8/2025 McGrath
5/12/2025 McGrath 12/15/2025 Dewey
5/19/2025 Wiegel 12/22/2025 Zelz
6/2/2025 Zelz 12/29/2025 Zwierzyck
6/9/2025 Zwierzycki 1/5/2026 Dewey
6/16/2025 Dulaney 1/12/2026 Dulaney
6/23/2025 Lubow 1/19/2026 McGrath
6/30/2025 Finnegan 1/26/2026 Wiegel

No Nets on Memorial Day May 26th & Labor Day Sep 1st

Net Control Operators are encouraged to exchange time slots with
each other to best fit their schedules

